ENGAGE enables organizations and event organizers to create custom metaworlds that can be shared or kept private within their organization. They can use these virtual worlds to provide direct services to their clients in the metaverse. In addition, it allows them to build customized business models to adapt to the ever-evolving digital landscape.
ENGAGE LINK is the publicly accessible section of the platform that features linked, persistent plazas. These plazas offer access to the metaworlds of pioneering enterprise, educational, and creative organizations. Each LINK plaza is a shared space for like-minded people, such as business, education, or creative types. These public plazas can be used for general meetups and networking.
ENGAGE is used by clients such as KPMG US, Stanford University, Lenovo, HTC, KIA, and other Fortune 500 companies. ENGAGE helps organizations make their virtual metaverse strategies a reality, through virtual events, corporate communications, education, and training
Our tiered subscription service offers various features giving hosts the power to run their private events, media streaming capabilities, access to spatial recording, and our content development tools. It is easy and quick to create immersive content with all of these tools in the palm of your hand!
Additionally, enterprise and plus users will soon have access to their private metaverse apartments where they can invite friends and co-workers over to watch movies or experience immersive content.
These are those who talk about the metaverse, and they are those who ENGAGE!