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Bijgewerkt om01/29/2023
ModusEen speler
GenreWoorden, avontuur/Avontuur/Interactief verhaal/Animatie
USD 29.99
Over deze game
TOKYO CHRONOS is the VR game that has multiple-choice decision points as well as more than one ending. It has a long story you've never experienced before with VR. The game takes place in Shibuya, Tokyo, which has only eight people, including you, the protagonist, Kyosuke Sakurai. Why are they there? How can they break out of the enclosed world? More than that, what is the reason causing this strange phenomenon? Can Kyosuke solve the mystery and get out of the silent Shibuya? -Features- ● Drastic advancement of visual novel games with VR The total gameplay time reaches to 15 hours. The story has multiple-choice decision points as well as more than one ending. ●Moving scenario making your HMD wet with your tears One review says, "I've purchased several games at the VR game store, and none of them satisfied me. But TOKYO CHRONOS is no comparison. At first, you're surprised at the beautiful images. But the deep story surpasses it". ●Game experiences only with VR You can experience the opening and ending music videos with 360 degrees as well as interactions with the heroines at a very close range. -Background- Balashikha in Moscow, Russia, 1988. A 13-year-old boy and his mother went missing. One year later, the case took a turn for the bizarre. A middle-aged man was found in the woods near Balashikha, who claimed himself to be the missing boy. He confessed that he and his mother had been trapped in a world enclosed by a wall of mirrors for years. After his mother died, he returned to the first world. Nobody believed his statement at first. However, when a DNA test confirmed his identity to be the boy, indeed, the story became a sensation, later coming to be called the "Balashikha Incident." A scientist noticed the similarities between Balashikha and other vanishings across history: Agatha Christie's 11 missing days, the Kinross incident, the Mary Celeste. She proposed a theory that they had been whisked away to a parallel, "Chronos World." -Synopsis- Spring, 2018. Kyosuke Sakurai – you – awaken in the city of Shibuya, Tokyo, oddly quiet and devoid of its bustle. Nobody is around. The only exception is the group of eight childhood friends, which you used to be a part of. As the group gathers in the city's famous scramble crossing, a blood-red message suddenly flashes on a nearby large electronic billboard. "I am dead. Who killed me?" If this world is similar to the Chronos Worlds that emerged in the past, there is only one way to out- to find the one causing this strange phenomenon and kill the culprit.
Vereiste vrije ruimte727,1M
Versie1.0.6 (01/29/2023)
Privacybeleid ontwikkelaar
TalenEngels, Vereenvoudigd Chinees, Japans, Duits
Ondersteunde spelersmodiStaand, Zitten
Ondersteunde platformsPICO Neo3 Pro, PICO Neo3 Link, PICO Neo3 Eye, PICO 4, PICO 4 Ultra
Ondersteunde controllers6-DOF-Controller , 3-DOF-Controller
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