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Au5 - "Eden"
Updated On09/18/2024
ModusEen speler, Multiplayer
USD 1.99
About This Game
Add Au5 - "Eden" to your library! Let Au5 and Danyka Nadeau take you on an ambient dubstep ride to experience shades of new colours in the neon skies over “Eden”.
Refund Policy
Updated On09/18/2024
PublisherKluge Interactive
Developer Terms of Service
Developer Privacy Policy
PermissionsOpslag, Geluid opnemen
LanguagesVereenvoudigd Chinees, Engels, Duits, Frans, Spaans, Japans, Koreaans
Supported Player ModesKamerschaal, Staand
System Version5.9.0
Supported PlatformsPICO Neo3 Pro, PICO Neo3 Eye, PICO Neo3 Link, PICO 4, PICO 4 Pro, PICO 4 Ultra
Supported Controllers6-DOF-Controller 