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Bijgewerkt om02/14/2025
ModusEen speler
USD 1.99
Over deze game
Looking for a touch of romance on your roller coaster rides? The "FUN-LENTINE" pack brings the power of love to your ride experiences. With this FUN PACK, you can choose the sweet Cupid as your companion, ride with the romantic Cupid's Chariot, and shoot Cupid's Potions. It's time for romance on the rails. This DLC pack consists of a companion to sit at your side in some roller coasters, a thematic cart to ride in some roller coasters, and a weapon for your fun while you are playing the shooter mode on Epic Roller Coasters. This DLC includes: - One companion. - One roller coaster cart. - One weapon.
Bijgewerkt om02/14/2025
Contact opnemen met
UitgeverB4T Games
Gebruiksvoorwaarden voor ontwikkelaars
Privacybeleid ontwikkelaar
MachtigingenOpslag, Geluid opnemen
TalenVereenvoudigd Chinees, Engels, Koreaans, Portugees, Frans, Spaans, Duits, Japans, Russisch
Ondersteunde spelersmodiZitten
Ondersteunde platformsPICO Neo3 Link, PICO 4, PICO Neo3 Pro, PICO Neo3 Eye, PICO 4 Pro, PICO 4 Ultra
Ondersteunde controllers6-DOF-Controller 