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Brazilian Dunes Rally
Bijgewerkt om12/18/2024
ModusEen speler
USD 1.99
Over deze game
Ride along fast tracks in the middle of paradisiacal dunes and lagoons during a Rally full of speed, dust, and adrenaline. This DLC includes: - Roller coaster map: Brazilian Dunes Rally - One roller coaster cart Epic Roller Coasters is where you will find the most unique roller coasters of the world. Feel the adrenaline of fast speed, loops and heights in places that you could never imagine riding a roller coaster before, such as dinosaur age, medieval age, sci-fi city and a lot more. Try it out on three different modes: classic, shooter and race.
Vereiste vrije ruimte427,3M
Bijgewerkt om12/18/2024
Contact opnemen met
UitgeverB4T Games
Gebruiksvoorwaarden voor ontwikkelaars
Privacybeleid ontwikkelaar
MachtigingenOpslag, Geluid opnemen
TalenVereenvoudigd Chinees, Engels, Koreaans, Portugees, Frans, Spaans, Duits, Japans, Russisch
Ondersteunde spelersmodiZitten
Minimale gameversie8.13.61
Ondersteunde platformsPICO Neo3 Link, PICO 4, PICO Neo3 Pro, PICO Neo3 Eye, PICO 4 Pro, PICO 4 Ultra
Ondersteunde controllers6-DOF-Controller 