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Winter Fury: The Longest Road
Положительные отзывы100%
ЖанрЭкшен, приключения/Стрельба от первого лица
14,99 USD
Об этой игре
Formidable foes capable of flanking and taking cover across the countryside and through war-torn cityscapes. Witness the wake of devastation left by the M-4’s arsenal with satisfyingly destructible environments. Encounter colossal bosses including Tiger Tanks, attack planes and even coastal destroyer ships and triumph over each mounting threat the German forces deploy.Saddle up in a World War II-era experimental M-4 Sherman tank and take the fight to the Axis. The brand-new first-person Tank Commander mode allows players to experience tank combat from the inside of the M-4 cockpit. Fend off both enemy armor and infantry while peeking out of the hatch to monitor threats coming from all sides. Clash with the Third Reich with devastating cannon shells and .50 caliber machinegun fire.For a more personal touch, exit the tank entirely for ground battles. Get hands-on with historical armaments including Tommy guns, BARs, American Bazookas, and ever-reliable grenades. Line up precise pot-shots with the sniper rifle for long-distance engagements. Whittle the opposition down one-by-one as they desperately try to hold back the Allies’ advance to each new flagged checkpoint.Sow freedom throughout the countryside in The Longest Road mode. Assume the gunner position and take aim at enemies coming from all directions as the tank automatically moves from checkpoint to checkpoint. Available at launch, a new periscope option allows players to step back into the tank to shell out destruction while the tank escorts players between objectives.Two Type of play:Arcade ModeTank Commander SimTake a Sherman Tank for a spin. Load your shells and drive anywhere you want in the Tank Commander Mode-- first-person cockpit.
Политика возврата
Требуется пространство1.9G
Версия1.8.0 (02.11.2023)
Издатель10th Reality LLC
Условия использования разработчика
Политика конфиденциальности разработчика
Поддерживаемые режимы игрокаВ пределах комнаты, Стоя, Сидя
Поддерживаемые платформыPICO 4 Pro, PICO 4, PICO Neo3 Link, PICO Neo3 Pro, PICO 4 Ultra
Поддерживаемые контроллерыКонтроллер 6-DOF